I often get asked from clients as part of a design proposal, “what is the process for?a?design project?”?to “how much does it cost to design x?” and “have you done anything similar to what we want?”
In this article I will break down a credentials pitch document into eight sections.
This Credential Pitch document that I have previously used for new clients provided a detailed overview of who we are, what we do, our process, fees and how we work – along with relevant case studies and client testimonials. This was created in an A4 format and sent to the client.
Of course, each one is personally crafted to a new client proposal and this one below is an example based on a website design project for a charity but I’ve used Apple Inc. as a demonstration client in this example.
The following I will break each section down for you with a little explanation and an image.
1. Introductory letter
Firstly, I provide a?signed?introductory letter explaining what the document contains and any other communications.This helps to prepare the client as an opening to what’s involved, giving an overview before going further.
2. Credentials cover page
The cover should contain some branded graphics or imagery that is consistent with your identity, who prepared it and who is it for. And it really helps to have the logo’s partnered together side by side on the cover. This promotes the partnership they will be entering into.
3. Who we are page
A clear, short?and concise?biography of the company gives the client a clear understanding of your approach and why they should choose you. This is then followed by introducing who will be?specifically?working on their design project:
4. What we do page
A?short description about what you specialise in that fits to their design requirements. So following on from the previous page about who you are, go into a little more detail about what you?do:
5. Our process page
This gives the client an insight into how you?will be working with them, what they expect at each stage and what the costs will involve.
6. An idea of our process…
If you take?two or three of your main design services and?briefly detail each process on?what the client will get,?educates and demystifies your services for the client. It also saves you time explaining each time a new client asks you.
7. Case studies
For each individual client, you will need to tailor your case studies so that they are relevant to their design project. In my designs, I have not only selected?case studies from similar?clients, but designs that?showed similar requirements?to this design project.
8. Client testimonials page
On the final page, have relevant, up to date testimonials that backs up all?the content you’ve provided and shows your experience working with a variety of client design projects.
This Credentials Pitch document?is based on The Five C’s from?this article on?the Design Business Association blog