Working on press ads today and having to Photoshop together some photography of people and thought it worthy of a blog post.
Here’s two screenshots with the same backgrounds. The first one showing an easy cut-out (above)?and the second version a hard cut-out…?(for obvious reasons.)
The first man was a simple magic wand selection with some refining as he did have a little hair on top. The second man with the spiky hair took a long time to cut and blend around his hair to fit into the scene, although it was all made easier that the photography shoot was done with the same lighting conditions.
You can tell if you look at other images if they have been retouched or not by the way the lighting works…
Maybe a face isn’t quite right…?
I said to ?take a little off the ears,? not take the?ears off! (Both from?
Next time, look at an image and if you feel it doesn’t quite look right… look again?closely and you may find a Photoshop disaster!